There are EIGHT choral pieces on this year's A-S program.
You already know these: Ubi Caritas, SSB, Fiddler, Flight Song.
So in the next month, you need to learn FOUR pieces (well... actually FIVE; there are 2 movements from the Mozart Requiem).
The google drive address below has rehearsal tracks for five of this year's All State Chorus pieces:
But you already know Flight, SSB, and Fiddler... so scroll down, and make use of the tracks for WAYFARING and WE HAVE COME. Begin by listening to the performance track for each.
Here are separate Google drive folders for the 2 Mozart movements from his Requiem:
... I suggest you find and listen to performances online. I've included two YouTube links below which I think you will enjoy, or at least find interesting...
The SECOND link is the death scene from the 1984 movie Amadeus, set to the LACRYMOSA.
The FIRST link is the CONFUTATIS featuring a scrolling score (with Latin translation), along with dialogue from the scene in the movie where a dying Mozart is dictating the Confutatis to a rival musician, Antonio Salieri. Most likely fiction, although we do know that Mozart was in his last days, and died before completing the Requiem.
Confutatis (w/scrolling score)
Lacrymosa (and scene from Amadeus)
An audio performance of Climb can be found at the composer's website:
...or at YouTube:
Singers and parents:
Visit the SDHSAA All-State page for assorted information, including the All-State rehearsal schedule, concert tickets, and the All-State shirt design.
The SDHSAA page has ticket and shirt information, but shirt orders will go through Mr. Gullickson. You will receive an e-mail from Mr. Gullickson with details regarding All-State concert tickets, All-State shirts, and itinerary. Parents-- tickets will not go on sale until after orchestra auditions in mid-October.