Several updates/reminders regarding the choir trip...
First-- It's not too late; there still is time and room for you to join the BV Choirs on our bus trip to Florida June 2-8.
-Choir member with a change of plans? -Yes, there is room for you!
-Interested in being a chaperone? -We could use a few more! The price is affordable for what may be the easiest working vacation you could ever have.
-Family members? -Yes, over the years we've had a number of families travel with us as an affordable, simple way to visit central Florida. Maybe you would like to join us?
I've done many long choir bus trips in my life (this will be my fifth WDW trip). I don't remember that the bus ride was long, or at times, uncomfortable. I remember how great the choir sounded, I remember compliments from bus drivers, restaurateurs, and hotel managers because BV kids are polite, considerate, and so easy to travel with. This is a really great trip, and if you choose to join us, you will make great memories to last a lifetime.
...For details, please see the Florida! June 2015 page to the right...
...then contact Mr. Gullickson if you are interested, or have any questions.
Second-- A reminder that students' accounts should be at (or at least near) or above $300 at this time. A frequently updated spreadsheet listing each student's payments/fundraising is posted in the choir room; parents can contact Mr. Gullickson any time for updates. In response to students' requests, we will have another sales-oriented fundraiser (in February), as well as a fund-raising BV Choir Variety Show February 20. ALL trip money needs to be turned in by early April.
Finally-- I will maintain a Florida Itinerary page (see right), and update it regularly as trip details fall into place.